April, May, June, 2021
Q2 eNewsletter
I am by nature an optimist, perhaps to a fault as some of my friends may tell you. I tend to see the glass half full rather than half empty and search for positives when faced with difficult challenges. I bring focus to this because it has been hard to be an optimist during the past 12-plus months as the coronavirus pandemic impacted our lives in ways we could have never expected.
However, my optimism is easier to come by nowadays as signs begin to point to a slow return to normalcy in the coming months. I’m pleased that our profession will increasingly be able to meet with families face-to-face once again, demonstrating the authenticity and customer service that our communities deserve in a difficult time.
What brings an even greater sense of optimism is how our profession’s unmatched care and service can become even stronger post-pandemic through the innovations our leaders have created over the past year. Whether it be improvements to your ability to facilitate online-only funerals, expanding your service to offer more modern, event-style gatherings or adding the capability for your clients to pay for products or services digitally, the enhancements brought to deathcare won’t vanish, but instead, they will make an impact on how we serve our families for years to come.
One year ago, I wrote in this e-newsletter that our team was “confident we will come out of [the pandemic] better and stronger than ever.” I believe we will. And it is all due to the dedication and perseverance of professionals in our industry – especially you, the funeral directors and cemeterians, the “Final Responders” who were there to serve the thousands of families impacted by the pandemic every day. The positive and lasting impact you’ve made on them, the profession and our team at FSI is too significant to measure.
As we continue our journey in 2021, please stay safe and we look forward to meeting in person again soon.

Bill Williams
President and CEO, Funeral Services, Inc.
ICYMI: FSI Unveils Upgrades
New Features to PRISM
February 1 was a big day at FSI as we introduced sweeping enhancements to PRISM, our online trust recordkeeping and administration services platform. New features include making the platform more mobile friendly (for use on all smartphones, tablets and most browsers), adding the ability to process online one-time and recurring consumer credit card payments, and offering live chat so clients can communicate directly with an FSI team member during business hours. Read more about the PRISM upgrade here.
If you are interested in learning more about how PRISM makes it easier to organize and access your death-care trust account and contracts, please contact Paul White, SVP, at 850.519.4753 or Paul.White@FSItrust.com.
As FSI continues to assist its clients with remaining in compliance with all deathcare laws and regulations, we also want to educate you on changes or little-known details within the profession that impact your business.
Our general counsel and dear friends at WRW Legal share insights in each of our quarterly e-newsletters.
Tips Managing Irrevocable Preneed Contracts in Florida
Can changes be made to a preneed contract either during the life of a beneficiary or after his or her death? Until 2016, the answer was no. However, amendments to Section 497.459, Florida Statutes, loosened the restrictions.
Read More
How Much Do You Know About FSI?
Each e-newsletter, we share a service or resource that FSI provides to help ensure our clients and the industry understand the value we can deliver to them.
Did you know FSI can assist you meeting regulatory deadlines as it relates to ensuring the required funds are placed in your trust account?
Through PRISM, our online trust recordkeeping and administration services platform, our team can save you time by ensuring the required funds are trusted in a timely manner. This capability ensures you meet regulatory deadlines and aren’t held back by snail mail.
Learn more about the capabilities our PRISM solution on our website or by calling us any time: 1.800.749.1340.
In each newsletter, we highlight thought leadership articles written by FSI executives and partners that were recently published in our industry’s leading publications. Here are brief summaries of the most recent stories featuring FSI:
Leveraging Technology To Enhance Services
Accelerating the integration of new digital tools can help deathcare professionals better serve their families. In the latest issue of the Chronicle, the quarterly magazine of the Florida Cemetery Cremation and Funeral Association, Bill Williams discusses four ways deathcare professionals can use digital technology to enhance interaction. Read more here.
Bill Williams Contributes to American Funeral Director
There are a handful of key factors that can impact the profitability of your preneed trust program. In the February issue of American Funeral Director, Bill Williams highlights four areas of recordkeeping and back-office administration that can help you boost preneed trust profits. Read more here.
Bill Williams On How Digital Tools Help Mitigate Recordkeeping Errors
New technology can help funeral directors and cemeterians avoid costly regulatory fines and financial errors when administering preneed or perpetual care trusts. Bill Williams explains three ways digital tools can improve your recordkeeping in the February issue of The Director. Learn more here.
FSI Department Spotlight: Client Services
FSI is organized into several departments staffed by experienced professionals who work each day to provide you with excellent service. Each department plays a critical role in powering your trust and sales programs. To help you get to know the FSI team collectively, we shine a spotlight on one department each quarter.
Meet Our Client Services Department:
The “Engine” of Our Customer Service
One of FSI’s highest priorities will always be to provide you with the highest-quality service. We take pride in not leaving you with automated answering machines when you call us during business hours, and the department we are spotlighting today – our Client Services team – is the engine that makes this level of service possible and keeps it running every day.
Whether you need help with a big project such as training your team on FSI’s digital tools, or you just have a quick question at any point during the day, this team is here to help you.
As a refresher, here is a sample of the services the team provides to you:
- Leads clients through onboarding, training and installation of FSI’s various administration and recordkeeping tools, such as eContract.
- Answers client questions about FSI’s products and services and provides solutions to client challenges.
- Helps new clients through the preneed license application and renewal process.
- Educates existing clients about current and upcoming products and services that are offered by FSI.
- Assists clients with conversions of existing trusts.
- Interacts with our management and IT teams to ensure FSI services and computer programs remain technologically up-to-date and in compliance with changing state laws.
Important FSI Dates to Remember:
May 31, 2021
Memorial Day
FSI offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.
June 20 - 23, 2021
2021 Alabama Funeral Directors Association's
134th Convention
Point Clear, AL
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Funeral Services, Inc.
Post Office Box 13407
Tallahassee, FL 32317
(800) 749-1340
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